This application note uses the USB-DIO96H as an example. Swapping an MCC device and not having to run InstaCal every time. Please consult Windows© Installer SDK for additional documentation on the command line syntax. There are many command line Windows© installer options you can use, though this application note does not address them, you can see what they are by typing in the command line: InstaCal.msi /? To launch InstaCal silently, call it via command line syntax: You will need all these files for InstaCal to function correctly. When it is finished, 7-Zip will create a new folder in the folder where you put Icalsetup.exe, containing the following files and folders: To unzip it into its component parts, run 7-Zip, select the file, and then click on Extract.

This file is actually a zipped file set to execute.
#Instacal manual install
Install 7-Zip and follow the on screen prompts.ĭownload the InstaCal installer from our website:
#Instacal manual software
To get started, you will need third party software to extract the InstaCal MSI installer from our download. However, depending on your application and MCC hardware, you can copy your configuration file (CB.CFG) to the target computer. Running InstaCal cannot be done in a silent mode.
#Instacal manual how to
The reference resistor reestablishes the ground reference.This KB article explains how to silently install InstaCal, but it does not run InstaCal. The reason the sensor didn't previously work in differential mode could have been because it used an isolated power source. The lower the resistance the stronger the reference to ground, but it also diminishes the benefits of the differential input. Use a value that's between 47k and 100k ohms. If you need to also connect a couple of other sensors, use differential mode and physically add a reference resistor from the low side input to ground (GND). In other words, the exposed tip of the TC is connected to ground through a resistor. This is because internally, the USB-2416 engages a reference resistor from the low side input to ground. The key takeaway here is that the hotplate establishes your system ground. Set the sample or scan rate to 1 Hz and collect data while the hotplate warms up from cold to hot. The PersonalDaq/55 has this same type of setting too, however it is called Measurement Duration.

This is an InstaCal setting unless you're using the DAQami software.

Set the Data Rate property for each channel to 60 Hz to reject 60 Hz noise and produce a more accurate value. To debug the system, disconnect everything except the 5 thermocouples (TCs) connected to ground (hot plate). It sounds like some sort of grounding issue. And these need to be run in differential mode so we connect all of the sensors. This is an issue that we need to sort out as we plan on getting the extender for the 2416 and connecting a lot of sensors to it. I have an older PDAQ-55 and I don't see any of these issues. They measure fine in single ended (this is a setup for a different equipment set up, but mentioning it in case they're related). I have two other sensors that also read very wrong when they are in DIFFERENTIAL and not single ended. This isn't the first weird occurrence when using this DAQ unit. When power is applied to ceramic cartridge heaters the thermocouple readings are bad.very bad. The tip is in direct contact with the metal. These thermocouples are shielded except for the tip. The thermocouples are embedded at different depths of the plate to measure a gradient as the hotplate dries samples. I have 5 thermocouples connected to a hot plate, they are set correctly in instacal. I'm having an issue with this DAQ unit and properly reading measurements.